Student of the Week: Gillian Heckler, Ottawa Hills High School

Gillian Heckler
Gillian Heckler


School Subject: French

Extracurricular Activity: Outreach

Hobbies: Yoga

Car: Tesla

Store: Nordstrom

Musical Artist: Beyoncé

TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy

Movie: Dodgeball



Cafeteria food must have: Pizza

Last Book Read that Wasn’t Required: David and Goliath

Item always in your locker: Water bottle

Person Most Admired: My sister

Person You’d Like To Meet: Barack Obama

First Job: Nursery caregiver

Top Accomplishment: Presenting my research at a national conference



After Graduation Plans: Expand my knowledge and study at a liberal arts college

Career Goal: Become a physician or obtain a job in public health

Quote from teacher:  “Gillian is an intelligent, hard-working, and compassionate student,” Principal Ben McMurray said. “She is respected by her peers and teachers for her strong moral compass and regard for others. She is an active member of the student body and in the greater community. We are fortunate to have Gillian at Ottawa Hills. We know she will go on to make a difference in the world.”

— Information is compiled for The Blade by the Educational Service Center of Lake Erie West.