To the editor: No one has a need for automatic weapons


Every citizen should have the right to bear arms.

Guns don’t kill people; people kill people. To ban the sale of firearms would only lead to more black market sales. But the sales of firearms should be limited to rifles, handguns, and shotguns for the sportsman.

Automatic weapons have no use other than as a weapon of mass destruction. There is no place for automatic weapons. 

The sales of automatic weapons should be banned. You can’t hunt with an automatic weapon, so why are they being sold?


Temperance, Mich.

Use Jeep land for new jail site

Why not leave the city’s impound lot as it is and use the property that was erroneously purchased for the Jeep expansion for the new jail? It is a heavy industrial area with little residential use.

I also note that in almost all the news articles referencing the city administration, there is always a commissioner mentioned. It would appear that we have more commissioners and spokesmen than lay workers.

I think it would be a great service on the part of The Blade to obtain an organizational chart of the city administration (if it even exists) and publish it. 

List each department, the department head, their salary, and the number of employees supervised.


San Paulo Drive

What services do we get with taxes?

A family member was recently transported to a hospital by a Toledo rescue squad and is now is being billed. The insurance paid most of bill.

I was told taxes do not pay for transport, so I’m trying to find out what taxes do pay for. I was told that you would need to pay for a private ambulance. Yes, but private ambulances are not tax-funded.


149th Street